Sunday, 1 February 2009

Special people, special times

Out of all the Elders we associated with in Norway, we spent more time with Elder Holst from Denmark. He spend four months with us in Tromsø and became part of our southern zone in August. He is our District Leader and came to visit us in Haugesund. We will miss him and the great times we have had together.
Brother Brevik came to Enrichment Night and provided us with some good Norwegian songs and folk tales. The sisters all enjoy being entertained by him.

How could we resist this one? As many of you know, we are avid Utah fans at our house. These are the Elders we are serving with us right now in Haugesund and they are both avid Utah fans also!

The boys that were just baptized on Saturday and confirmed today in church. We enjoyed going into their home to teach them each week for the last two months.

Dado was converted in Oslo but now lives an hour away from Haugesund. We have enjoyed having him becoming part of our branch.

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