Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Edens, Humphreys and Nagrants

Sage and Joseph eating Choco- late cake, (sort of). It is made of ingredients that are gluten free.

Heidi, Nina, Christ- ian and Brand- on arrived the last week of April. Brandon had to leave two days later to fly to Detroit and then Isreal. Here are three of our children and two of their spouses with Dave.

And here with Maxine.

Christ- ian is such a happy boy, in spite of all he has to go through. Thanks for the smile Christian.


Tending Made- line, Morgan, Davin, Sage and Joseph. Sage and Joseph came for a visit from Japan for a couple of weeks in April.

Sage and Joseph on a tramp- oline for the first time ever. They loved it!

Dave, Jeff and Hunter just as they were leaving to go to the Conference Center for the Priesthood session of General Conference.

Satur- day morn- ing, before confer- ence, we had an Easter egg hunt in the back yard. The Easter Bunney put money in some of the plastic eggs. Here the grand kids and their parents are looking at what they found. Some of them became rich.

Jeff helping Cody, followed by Hunter and Morgan looking for Easter Eggs.

Jeff Humphrey and Nagrant families

Grand- pa on an outing with Carter, Jake and Cody Max while their mom and dad went to a session of General Conference.

Jeff, Dori, Hunter and Lizzie on their way to Saturday morning G. C. session.

We tended the M & M twins and Davin overnight and they put on a show for us. These are their costumes.

Morgan's piano teacher said that for their spring recital they had to play a duet. She asked if her sister, Madeline could play her violen with her as a duet. They did a great job.

Monday, 24 May 2010

Even more NYC

Entr- ance to Ellis Island main hall.

One of the displays in the Ellis Island main hall. From certain locations the display is a collage of individuals who have gone through Ellis Island, from another location it is an American flag.

Us at the base of the Statue of Liberty.
If you go back to entries made in our blog while we were in Norway you can see the area where the copper for this statue was mined and shipped to France.

Maxine on the ferry to Liberty Island and Ellis Island with NYC in the background.

Maxine on the ferry with the Statue of Liberty in the background.

More NYC

While in NYC we went to a broad- way play, "Wicked." It was fantastic.

Dave on the obser- vation deck of the Rocke- feller center. The Empire State building is to the left of him.

Ground zero of the twin towers. There is a lot of construction going on right now.

This is where we stayed in NYC, the Man- hatten Club.

What you can see on the streets of New York. He wanted money to take his picture but I sneaked one in with out his being aware I was taking it.

New York City

Went to New York City the first part of March. While on a bus tour of the city passed the Manhatten Temple. The building is owned by the church and there are three or four wards that meet here as well.

This view shows the entire building, with the Angel Moroni on top.

Maxine at Times Square in NYC.

Dave in NYC.

Times Square. Lots of buildings. Not what we are used to.

Just inside the door of the new Church History Library are some friezes and plaques made by my mothers father, Torlief S. Knaphus. They can be seen above the windows behind the chairs and to the right of the doorway.

This is a close up of the friezes.

A close up of the plaques. They are the same as the ones on the base of the Palmyra Angel Moroni statue, which he made for the church.

Playing games with Jeff's family when we were up there in March.

Hunter with his grand- parents after church.


Hunter played basket- ball during the winter and was a very good defensive player and rebounder.

Lizzie also played basket- ball and Jeff was her coach. She was an intense player.

Bonnie came in Feb- ruary with Sage and Joseph. It was fun and great to have them here.

We went to Mon- tana to see Hunter become a Deacon in March. Playing their favorite game, "Spoons".

The day Made- line and Morgan turned eleven, February 10, 2010.